[GeneralDiscussion] Hi all
2011-06-27 06:37:26 UTC
It sure is quiet... cleaned up some vandalism, someone renamed FreeHosting. For some reason I didn't bother to look into, it broke the "new parent, name, replacement, page" form, so I did a manual rename and reverted all pages. Another thing that I learned is that a page rename apparently breaks the link with the page history; the page history remains available under the old name.

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2011-06-27 06:41:53 UTC
...and unsubscribed umuidi4 while I was at it. A hacked Yahoo account that autoresponds with bad urls, blech.

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2011-06-27 13:02:57 UTC
Hi Frank.. thanks.

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Simon Michael
2011-06-30 20:24:50 UTC
PS, thanks a lot for the cleanup help. I didn't see your first post and the extent of the spam until later.

forwarded from http://zwiki.org/GeneralDiscussion#***@joyful.com
2011-06-30 20:41:36 UTC
YW. It struck me as odd that I wasn't able to rename the page the 'normal' way. I didn't want to rename it from Zope as that would certainly break things so I crafted a rename URL. That worked, although it didn't rename any wikilinks. Catalog issue?

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Simon Michael
2011-06-30 20:43:00 UTC
Nice. What prevented ordinary renaming ? Rename button not visible ?

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Frank Laurijssens
2011-06-30 20:48:33 UTC
Exactly. No buttons available, to be even more exact. And it's really been a long time since I looked at the code to see how it works. :-)

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Simon Michael
2011-06-30 21:02:40 UTC
I looked briefly but didn't get to the bottom of it. On zwiki.org in
the past those buttons appeared if you were authenticated or if you
had a username configured in options. I still see them appearing on
some pages but not consistently. Perhaps zwiki.org's over-aggressive
apache mod_cache is causing confusion.

I noticed some explicit anonymous edit permissions granted on
FreeHosting, and have removed those. I'm close to turning off
anonymous edits on zwiki.org (following wiki.zope.org) since it seems
pretty much in archive mode now.

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Frank Laurijssens
2011-06-30 21:07:14 UTC
Yes, I was somewhat surprised about those permissions as well. I did try to remove or reset them but it didn't make any difference, so I reverted it to the previous state.

The buttons remained absent when I was logged on to Zope as well, so I figured it wasn't just a permissions issue.

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